preferences: { forColumn: any; forTable: any } = ...

Type declaration

  • forColumn:function
    • returns an object for getting and setting preferences data based on the column (scoped to key)

      Only the provided plugin will have access to these preferences (though, if other plugins can guess how the underlying plugin access works, they can access this data, too. No security guaranteed)

      Type Parameters

      • P extends Plugin<unknown, unknown, P>

      • Data = unknown


      • column: Column<Data>
      • klass: Class<P>

      Returns { delete: any; get: any; set: any }

  • forTable:function
    • returns an object for getting and setting preferences data based on the table (scoped to the key: "table")

      Only the provided plugin will have access to these preferences (though, if other plugins can guess how the underlying plugin access works, they can access this data, too. No security guaranteed)

      Type Parameters

      • P extends Plugin<unknown, unknown, P>

      • Data = unknown


      • table: Table<Data>
      • klass: Class<P>

      Returns { delete: any; get: any; set: any }

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