meta: { withFeature: { forColumn: any; forTable: any }; forColumn: any; forTable: any } = ...

Type declaration

  • withFeature: { forColumn: any; forTable: any }

    Instead of finding meta based on column or table instances, you can search for meta based on feature strings, such as columnWidth

    • forColumn:function
      • for a given column and feature name, return the "ColumnMeta" for that feature. This is useful when plugins may depend on one another but may not necessarily care which plugin is providing what behavior.

        For example, multiple column-focused plugins may care about width or visibility

        Type Parameters

        • FeatureName extends string

        • Data = unknown


        • column: Column<Data>
        • featureName: FeatureName

        Returns ColumnFeatures[FeatureName]

    • forTable:function
      • for a given table and feature name, return the "TableMeta" for that feature. This is useful when plugins may depend on one another but may not necessarily care which plugin is providing that behavior.

        For example, multiple column-focused plugins may care about width or visibility.

        Type Parameters

        • FeatureName extends string

        • Data = unknown


        • table: Table<Data>
        • featureName: FeatureName

        Returns TableFeatures[FeatureName]

  • forColumn:function
    • For a given column and plugin, return the meta / state bucket for the plugin<->column instance pair.

      Note that this requires the column instance to exist on the table.

      Type Parameters

      • P extends Plugin<unknown, unknown, P>

      • Data = unknown


      • column: Column<Data>
      • klass: Class<P>

      Returns InstanceOf<NonNullable<NonNullable<P["meta"]>["column"]>>

  • forTable:function
    • For a given table and plugin, return the meta / state bucket for the plugin<->table instance pair.

      Type Parameters

      • P extends Plugin<unknown, unknown, P>

      • Data = unknown


      • table: Table<Data>
      • klass: Class<P>

      Returns InstanceOf<NonNullable<NonNullable<P["meta"]>["table"]>>

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