Interface TableConfig<DataType>

Type Parameters

  • DataType


  • TableConfig


bulkSelection?: Selection<object>
columns: (() => ColumnConfig<DataType>[])

Type declaration

    • (): ColumnConfig<DataType>[]
    • Configuration describing how the table will crawl through data and render it. Within this columns config, there will also be opportunities to set the behavior of columns when rendered

      Returns ColumnConfig<DataType>[]

data: (() => DataType[])

Type declaration

    • (): DataType[]
    • The data to render, as described via the columns option.

      This data may or may not match the shape requested by the columns configuration. When a key-value pair matches what a column config requests, the data will be rendered. When a key-value pair is misisng, a fallback or empty representation of a value will be shown instead.

      Returns DataType[]

isCheckboxSelectable?: boolean
isRowSelectable?: boolean
meta?: TableMeta
onRowSelectionChange?: ((selection: undefined | DataType) => void)

Type declaration

    • (selection: undefined | DataType): void
    • Parameters

      • selection: undefined | DataType

      Returns void

pagination?: Pagination
plugins?: Plugins

A collection of plugins for use in extending table behavior. plugins have a collection of hooks and properties to use, but for anything requiring user interaction there will be manual connecting.

The instance for each plugin can be accessed via HeadlessTable's pluginOf(<Plugin>) method, where it takes the plugin constructor/class/object for lookup purposes.

Some plugins may require setting options for hooking into behavior provided by the plugin (for example sorting).


import { DataSorting } from '@crowdstrike/ember-headless-table/plugins/data-sorting';
import { ColumnResizing } from '@crowdstrike/ember-headless-table/plugins/column-resizing';


plugins: [
DataSorting.with(() => {
return {
sorts: [array of sorts],
onSort: this.doThingWhenSortsChange,
ColumnResizing.with(() => {
return {
enabled: true,

However, for plugins with no needed options, the list can be simplified:

import { ColumnResizing }  from '@crowdstrike/ember-headless-table/plugins/column-resizing';
import { StickyColumns } from '@crowdstrike/ember-headless-table/plugins/sticky-columns';


plugins: [
preferences?: { adapter?: PreferencesAdapter; key: string }

Foundational to tables is how to store settings within them. The key is meant to identify a particular kind of table. For example, if you have a table representing "blog posts", your table key may be "blog-posts".

And most importantly, the adapter is how you load and save the preferences. This may bo to local storage, or some API.

Type declaration

  • Optional adapter?: PreferencesAdapter

    Configuration for how you wish to persist and restore the configuration for your table.

    persist may be async as it is a fire-and-forget type of action.

    However, restore must be synchronous, as this is a blocking operation for rendering the table. So it's best to load up the table preferences before rendering a table.

  • key: string

    What to name the table in the preferences storage of your choice. Any string is valid provided that the storage adapter of your choice supports the format.

    For example, if you have a table of "blog posts", the preferences key might be "all-blog-posts"

rowSelection?: (() => DataType)

Type declaration

    • (): DataType
    • Returns DataType

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